Yesterday, I paid a New Year homage to the Pere of Kumbowei, His Royal Majesty, King Akada Sufadoh, Embareba the Fifth and the Kumbowie council of Chiefs of which I am a member. I wished them well and thanked the King and the council for the prevailing peace and stability and for supporting all levels of government.
Thereafter, the King and his council prayed for me and I left to pay Homage to Honorable Chief Fyneman Wilson, Chairman of the Local government and Senatorial Caucus. Honorable Fyneman has done so much for our people, he has been a concensus builder and stabilizer of the party since inception till date. He is one of the most experienced politicians in Bayelsa state now. He has been a leader and a father to all including me, doing his best to provide leadership, organisation and purpose to our local government and the senatorial district and he has my full support.
I thank all those who accompanied me to the visits as we honor a man that deserves to be honored. He spoke and prayed for me, I thank the women in their colorful dresses, youths and elders for being present.
Thereafter, on our way out, we visited the home of our Senatorial vice chairman and former chairman of council Honorable Michael Magbisa who is doing well supporting the leadership who is making it impregnable for PDP our local government and the district.
Honorable Magbisa is a good example of a young man, working under the guidance of elders and showing respect and subordination to elders and constituted authority, showing great potentials for the future.
I repeated my call for greater unity of all leaders across party lines for the good of the senatorial district and thanked all for the support during the last election and reminded them to continue to mobilize support for our party and government.

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