It has been a delightful experience in recent days for my wife and I to host His Royal Majesty, the newly crowned Pere of Tarakiri Kingdom, my Elder brother, His Royal Majesty King Seiyefa Koroye, and His Queen, Dr. Mrs. Grace Koroye.
His Royal Majesty and I took the opportunity of his first visit to Abuja to embark on high-profile courtesy visits to prominent individuals of Tarakiri origin in Abuja.
Our first stop was the home of Senator J.K. Brambaifa, who warmly welcomed us, promising his full support to the King and the kingdom.
His Royal Majesty also led a visit to the residence of His Highness Dr. Famous Eseduo, Akou the Amananaowei of Angalabiri community. We were pleased with the warm reception and hospitality provided by the Amananowei and his wife. Fruitful discussions were held regarding the progress of Tarakiri Kingdom.
Yesterday, His Highness, the Amananaowei, his Queen, and their son paid a formal visit to my home, where they again, paid homage to the King. We all celebrated and welcomed the King in my Abuja residence, along with another worthy senior personality, Dr. O.O Osusu (OON).
We held a series of sincere fraternal discussions and all pledged their unwavering support and loyalty to the King. We have full confidence in his ability to lead our clan to new heights with our support and prayers.
Tarakiri Kingdom is undoubtedly poised for new heights and greatness under the leadership of our new Pere.
I take this opportunity to again congratulate the Pere and the entire Kingdom for the progress we’ve achieved over the years and the prevailing peace and unity.
I urge everyone to join in supporting and praying for our King’s success. I extend my gratitude to both Senator J.K. Brambaifa and Akou, the Amananaowei of Angalabiri, and his wife for their warm reception and the productive discussions we’ve had.
His Majesty the King, His Queen, and I are delighted with these positive developments.
Long live Tarakiri Kingdom.
Angolokirimo sou!!!
Angolokirimo sou
Angolokirimo sou
Suo Timi ondu o

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